Wednesday, June 30, 2021

LisAnk-AaravAnsh 💕

LisAnk-AaravAnsh  ðŸ’• 

Ten little fingers and ten little toes, With Love and blessings our family grows!! We are proud to announce the arrival of our baby boy "ANSH" on 18th May 2021. We are now LisAnk-AaravAnsh 💕  

A newborn baby give you a totally different perspective on life and the reason you wake up each day. ANSH brought lot of happiness in our life. While ANSH holds our hand just for a short time, he hold our heart till infinity! Aaarav likes him to hold his finger and plays with him with priceless happiness. ANSH started making eye contacts and reacting with us. Fun unlimited already started!! We have this beautiful and cute new addition in our family with lot of fun, love and happiness! We are blessed!!

ANSH have been keeping us busy, most of the day he sleeps and not letting us sleep in the night  :) of course, because he wants to play in the night. Aarav is having full fun time with little brother. Having brother is a having friend for your life... I know this personally as I myself a younger brother to most responsible and loveable elder brother. You can read my last blog post for my brother here

Aarav is proud big brother with more responsibilities :) And we must admit that he already already started taking care of so many things. Because Aarav has brother, he will always have friend! We are very excited to see they share the memories and grow up dreams!

With love from our hearts to yours.. 💕 

LisAnk-AaravAnsh ðŸ’•

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Happy Father's Day - 2021 - "āŠŽાāŠŠ āŠĪāŠŪે āŠŪાāŠ°ા āŠĻે āŠĶીāŠ•āŠ°ો āŠđુ āŠĪāŠŪાāŠ°ો"

āŠŽાāŠŠ āŠĪāŠŪે āŠŪાāŠ°ા āŠĻે āŠĶીāŠ•āŠ°ો āŠđુ āŠĪāŠŪાāŠ°ો 💕

(āŠ—ુāŠœāŠ°ાāŠĪિ āŠ…āŠĻુāŠĩાāŠĶ āŠŪાāŠŸે āŠĻિāŠšે āŠļ્āŠ•āŠ°ોāŠē āŠ•āŠ°ો...)

Dear Dad,

You promised yourself to do something specific and you vowed that you would do it differently than your father and you did it! Nobody was graduated in family but you promised you would do and make sure all your kids would graduate and provided them good education.! Though situation was not in favor you still decided to provide higher education to one of your kid. You and Big brother picked me and pushed me to peruse further higher in study. As result I am an successful engineer today. Whatever I am today is because of you, big brother and Mom! 

I still remember those days when you wake up in the night, put some pocket money in my bag before I leave for college study. You use to pay Rs 2 to fix your shoe so it last more month so that I can buy brand new shoes. You never took day off to make sure my college fees are paid regularly. You never bought anything for yourself but always make sure you buy things for us (even before we ask). We never saw you tired but still managing all challenging situation financially! You never stopped! You never got tired! We never saw you demotivated! You always thought us to fight the situation and raise up, be a kind human and help as much as you can! 

When I sit back and remember all the countless times that you carried us on your shoulder we being your kid convinced You are our Super Hero! The man that always encouraged us to be good human being and encouraged us to reach for the goals is YOU! Remembering the poem I wrote for you in last Farhter's day! "āŠŽાāŠŠ āŠĪāŠŪે āŠŪાāŠ°ા āŠĻે āŠĶીāŠ•āŠ°ો āŠđુ āŠĪāŠŪાāŠ°ો" ! 

On this father's day when I reflect back, my mind swirls with memories with full of treasure! Simply put, you have give me happy life, Dad and I love you. You are my hero and I can't thank you enough!

āŠ—ુāŠœāŠ°ાāŠĪિ āŠ…āŠĻુāŠĩાāŠĶ..

āŠŠ્āŠ°િāŠŊ āŠŠāŠŠ્āŠŠા,

āŠĪāŠŪે āŠĻāŠ•્āŠ•િ āŠ•āŠ°ેāŠēુ āŠ•ે āŠĪāŠŪે āŠĪāŠŪાāŠ°ા āŠŠāŠŠ્āŠŠા āŠ•āŠ°āŠĪા āŠ•āŠˆāŠ• āŠ…āŠēāŠ— āŠ•āŠ°āŠķો, āŠ…āŠĻે āŠĪāŠŪે āŠ•āŠ°્āŠŊુ. āŠ†āŠŠāŠĢા āŠŠāŠ°િāŠĩાāŠ° āŠŪા āŠ•ોāŠˆ āŠŠāŠĢ āŠ­āŠĢેāŠēુ āŠĻ āŠđāŠĪુ,āŠŠāŠĢ āŠĪāŠŪે āŠĻāŠ•્āŠ•િ āŠ•āŠ°āŠŊુ āŠ•ે āŠĪāŠŪે āŠĪāŠŪાāŠ°ા āŠ›ોāŠ•āŠ°ાāŠ“ āŠĻે āŠŠુāŠ°āŠĪુ āŠ­āŠĢાāŠĩāŠķો āŠ…āŠĻે āŠĪāŠŪે āŠ āŠ•āŠ°āŠŊુ āŠ­āŠēે āŠŠāŠ°િāŠļ્āŠĨિāŠĪિ āŠ•ેāŠĩી āŠŠāŠĢ āŠđāŠĪિ. āŠĪāŠŪે āŠāŠ• āŠĻે āŠœ āŠ‰āŠš્āŠš āŠ•āŠ•્āŠ·ા āŠĻુ āŠ­āŠĢાāŠĩિ āŠķāŠ•ો āŠāŠŪ āŠđāŠĪુ āŠ…āŠĻે āŠĪāŠŪે āŠ…āŠĻે āŠŪોāŠŸા āŠ­ાāŠˆ āŠ āŠŪāŠĻે āŠ†āŠ—āŠģ āŠ­āŠĢાāŠĩા āŠĻુ āŠĻāŠ•્āŠ•િ āŠ•āŠ°āŠŊુ. āŠ†āŠœે āŠđુ āŠœે āŠ•ાāŠˆ āŠŠāŠĢ āŠ›ુ āŠ āŠŪાāŠĪ્āŠ° āŠĻે āŠŪાāŠĪ્āŠ° āŠĪāŠŪાāŠ°ા, āŠŪોāŠŸા āŠ­ાāŠˆ āŠĻા āŠ…āŠĻે āŠŪāŠŪ્āŠŪિ āŠĻા āŠēિāŠ§ે āŠœ āŠ›ુ.

āŠŪāŠĻે āŠđāŠœિ āŠ āŠĶિāŠĩāŠļો āŠŊાāŠĶ āŠ›ે, āŠ°ાāŠĪ્āŠ°ે āŠĪāŠŪે āŠ‰āŠ ી āŠĻે āŠŪાāŠ°િ āŠŽેāŠ— āŠŪા āŠŪાāŠ°ા āŠ–āŠ°્āŠš āŠĻા āŠŠૈāŠļા āŠŪુāŠ•િ āŠĶેāŠĪા āŠđāŠĪા, āŠļāŠĩાāŠ°ે āŠđુ āŠāŠŪ āŠœ āŠ•ોāŠēેāŠœ āŠĻા āŠœાāŠĪો āŠ°āŠđુ āŠāŠŸāŠēે. āŠĪāŠŪે āŠĪāŠŪાāŠ°ા āŠšāŠŠ્āŠŠāŠē āŠĻે āŦĻ āŠ°ુāŠŠિāŠŊા āŠ†āŠŠિ āŠĻે āŠļાંāŠ§ો āŠŪāŠ°ાāŠĩિ āŠĶેāŠĪા āŠđāŠĪા āŠ…āŠĻે āŠŪāŠĻે āŠĻāŠĩા āŠšāŠŠ્āŠŠāŠē āŠ…āŠŠાāŠĩિ āŠĶેāŠĪા. āŠŪાāŠ°િ āŠ•ોāŠēેāŠœ āŠŦિāŠļ āŠĻે āŠŠāŠđોāŠšિ āŠķāŠ•ો āŠāŠŸāŠēે āŠĪāŠŪે āŠāŠ• āŠĶિāŠĩāŠļ āŠŠāŠĢ āŠ†āŠ°ાāŠŪ āŠĻāŠĨિ āŠ•āŠ°āŠŊો. āŠĪāŠŪે āŠĪāŠŪાāŠ°ા āŠŪાāŠŸે āŠ•āŠŊાāŠ°ે āŠŠāŠĢ āŠ•ાāŠˆ āŠēિāŠ§ુ āŠĻāŠĨિ, āŠŠāŠĢ āŠĪāŠŪે āŠ…āŠŪāŠĻે āŠŽāŠ§ુ āŠœ āŠķāŠ•્āŠŊ āŠ…āŠŠાāŠĩ્āŠŊુ āŠ›ે. āŠ…āŠŪે āŠĪāŠŪāŠĻે āŠ•āŠŊાāŠ°ે āŠŠāŠĢ āŠĨાāŠ•ેāŠēા āŠĻāŠĨિ āŠœોāŠŊા āŠ›āŠĪા āŠŽāŠ§િ āŠœ āŠŠāŠ°િāŠļ્āŠĨીāŠĪિ āŠĻે āŠļāŠ°āŠēāŠĪાāŠĨિ āŠŠāŠļાāŠ° āŠ•āŠ°āŠĪા. āŠĪāŠŪે āŠĪāŠŪાāŠ°િ āŠŽāŠ§િ āŠœ āŠœāŠĩાāŠŽāŠĶાāŠ°િ āŠđāŠ°ેāŠ• āŠŠāŠ°િāŠļ્āŠĨિāŠĪિ āŠĻો āŠļાāŠŪāŠĻો āŠ•āŠ°āŠĪા āŠ•āŠ°āŠĪા āŠŠુāŠ°િ āŠ•āŠ°િ āŠ›āŠĪા āŠ…āŠŪે āŠĪāŠŪāŠĻે āŠ•āŠŊાāŠ°ે āŠŠāŠĢ āŠ‰āŠĶાāŠļ āŠ•ે āŠĶુāŠ–િ āŠĻāŠĨિ āŠœોāŠŊા. āŠĪāŠŪે āŠđāŠŪેāŠķા āŠ…āŠŪāŠĻે āŠŠāŠ°િāŠļ્āŠĨિāŠĪિ āŠĻો āŠķાāŠŪāŠĻો āŠ•āŠ°āŠĩા āŠĻુ āŠ…āŠĻે āŠāŠ• āŠļાāŠ°ા āŠŪાāŠĢāŠļ āŠĪāŠ°િāŠ•ે āŠļāŠŪાāŠœ āŠŪા āŠœીāŠĩāŠĩાāŠĻુ āŠķિāŠ–āŠĩ્āŠŊુ āŠ›ે. āŠ˜āŠĢિ āŠĩāŠ–āŠĪ āŠđુ āŠĪāŠŪાāŠ°િ āŠļાāŠĨે āŠŽāŠđેāŠļ āŠŠāŠĢ āŠ•āŠ°āŠĪો āŠŠāŠĢ āŠđંāŠŪેāŠķા āŠĪāŠŪે āŠ—āŠŪ āŠ–ાāŠĪા āŠķિāŠ–āŠĩ્āŠŊુ. āŠ—āŠŪ āŠ–ાāŠĩા āŠĻા āŠ…āŠ§āŠ­ુāŠĪ āŠ—ુāŠĢ āŠĨિ āŠĪāŠŪાāŠ°ુ āŠĩāŠŊ્āŠ•āŠĪિāŠĪ્āŠĩ āŠ…āŠĻે āŠļ્āŠĩāŠ­ાāŠĩ āŠ…āŠŪāŠĻે āŠ…āŠĻે āŠļāŠŪાāŠœ āŠĻે āŠ˜āŠĢુ āŠķિāŠ–āŠĩે āŠ›ે. āŠĪāŠŪે āŠ•āŠŊાāŠ°ે āŠŠāŠĢ āŠŪાāŠ°િ āŠĩાāŠĪ āŠĻે āŠŸાāŠģિ āŠĻāŠĨિ āŠ…āŠĻે āŠŪāŠĻે, āŠ§āŠĩāŠē āŠ­ાāŠ‡ āŠ…āŠĻે āŠŪાāŠĻāŠļિ āŠĻે āŠ–ુāŠŽ āŠœ āŠŠ્āŠ°ેāŠŪ āŠ†āŠŠ્āŠŊો āŠ›ે.

āŠļંāŠ˜āŠ°્āŠķ āŠŽāŠ§ો āŠĪāŠŪાāŠ°ો āŠ…āŠĻે āŠ†āŠĻંāŠĶ āŠŽāŠ§ો āŠ…āŠŪāŠĻે..

āŠĶુāŠ– āŠŽāŠ§ા āŠĪāŠŪે āŠēિāŠ§ા āŠ…āŠĻે āŠķુāŠ– āŠđંāŠŪેāŠķા āŠ…āŠŪāŠĻે..

āŠ•āŠ°āŠ•āŠļāŠ° āŠŽāŠ§િ āŠĪāŠŪાāŠ°ે āŠ…āŠĻે āŠĻāŠĩિ āŠĩāŠļ્āŠĪુ āŠđંāŠŪેāŠķા āŠ…āŠŪāŠĻે..

āŠ િāŠ—āŠĄા āŠĪāŠŪાāŠ°ા āŠāŠ­્āŠ­ા āŠĻે āŠ…āŠĻે āŠĻāŠĩા āŠ•āŠŠāŠĄા āŠ…āŠŪāŠĻે..

āŠĪāŠŪે āŠ…āŠŪāŠĻે āŠœીāŠĩāŠĻ āŠ†āŠŠ્āŠŊુ āŠāŠŪા āŠ­āŠ°āŠŠુāŠ° āŠ†āŠĻંāŠĶ āŠŠુāŠ°āŠŊો... āŠ…āŠŪાāŠ°ા āŠœીāŠĩāŠĻ āŠĻા āŠļુāŠŠāŠ° āŠđિāŠ°ો āŠĻે āŠ–ુāŠŽ āŠ–ુāŠŽ āŠŠ્āŠ°ેāŠŪ.. āŠēāŠĩ āŠŊુ āŠŠāŠŠ્āŠŠા.. 💕

Love you Dad 💕

