Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The joy of today, Hopes of tomorrow, memories of yesterday, Happy Anniversary 💕

I was standing in the greeting card section of the grocery store a couple of days ago, I just couldn't find a card that could adequately express the love that I feel for you Lisa. After a 7 years of marriage, I just can't believe how happy I am!

From last couple days I have been thinking that how often I express my appreciation to you for all such things that you have been doing for me. Today, I could not stop writing myself. “Thank You” for your all support and being with me during my bad and good time. I would like to express thanks for all your support and care that you have been doing for myself and family from last 7 years!

1st March, 2011 was the day when the new chapter of our life started, since then we have been writing lines by lines and paragraphs by paragraphs. Each page of these chapter has memorable moments and it gives us happiness whenever I go back and open any page of this chapter and read any paragraph. Each and every paragraph has one or more reasons to make us happyJ I would like thank for writing such a wonderful memory on one of the best chapter in my life, I wish we keep filling up the contents for coming years and years!

Last year we had few challenging situation in front of us that we together took care of very well and we learnt many inspiration things !! Major one was your surgery and your recovery, I was really tensed before your surgery but I must admit that you have very strong willpower and I should learn to improve mine! As someone says, a good time is always waiting for us, we just need to pass some hurdle to get there. Thank you for helping us pass those hurdles and get all of us there to have a fantastic life!

It's been an incredible ride and looking forward to what the next many many years have in store for us. Thanks to all family and friends for supporting and celebrating with us all these years.

💕 LisAnk-Aarav

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